ic #1. demultiplexer
electro - Custom level - Mar 4, 2015 from AndroidELECTRO IS BACK!!!
this is first level in my ic series, a demux. Use it in your builds.
Small in size
Easy to use
Multiple uses
[b:3ck5rrnn] Working: [/b:3ck5rrnn]
It is a binary to digital converter.
Give signal to control inputs anger get output.
Give binary input to control and gate decimal to output.
Give1 to s1, 1 to s0
So it will 1 1 in binary
And you will gate output from fourth (y3) output with is decimal equivalent equivalent of binary 1 1
You can use it in gearbox or in switching circuits
Very helpful to avoid complex wiring.
Downloads: 151 - Level ID: 14448