Crane WIP(rope replacement 1)

Hobbit - Custom level - Sep 22, 2014 from Android
Revision #10, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 35 players liked this.

The mast will not raise untill the tension on the chains has evened out. The mast starts off in the negative position, you must press F to cycle in the positive postion.
I added the delivery house, I know it's tempting to drop your delivery on the managers but try to refrain. I'll be adding a truck to load everything on soon along with a delivery point.
I did it and it's not that bulky, I used open pivots instead of ropes. I'm going to try plastic beams but I have to do a lot of redesign for it. I fixed the oscillation problem, a few of the pivots were glitchy.
Here you all go, I think I'm finished enough. I kind of lost my ambition with it, I'm glad you all like and I'm honored to have been featured. Thanks guys!!!

G-Lower mast(hold F+G)
K-Activate suction cups
H-Gantry throttle/forward
J-Reverse gantry
Slider-Lower suction cups
Blank-Switch to truck rc

Left Slider-Throttle
Right Slider-Dump Bed

Downloads: 8204 - Level ID: 10833

